Software License Agreement 1. This is an agreement between "Ghost Whale Index" (Licensor)and you (Licensee), who is being licensed to use the Wheel Of War game software. 2. Licensee acknowledges that this is only a limited nonexclusive license. Licensor is and remains the owner of all titles, rights, and interests in the Software. 3. This License permits Licensee to install the Software on one computer systems at the same time. Licensee will not make copies of the Software or allow copies of the Software to be made by others, unless authorized by this License Agreement. Licensee may make copies of the Software for backup purposes only. 4. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. 5. LICENSOR IS NOT LIABLE TO LICENSEE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING COMPENSATORY, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, CONNECTED WITH OR RESULTING FROM THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT OR LICENSEE'S USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Licensee's jurisdiction may not allow such a limitation of damages, so this limitation may not apply. 6. Licensee agrees to defend and indemnify Licensor and hold Licensor harmless from all claims, losses, damages, complaints, or expenses connected with or resulting from Licensee's business operations. 7. Licensor has the right to terminate this License Agreement and Licensee's right to use this Software upon any material breach by Licensee. 8. Licensee agrees to destroy all copies of the Software upon termination of the License. 9. This License Agreement is the entire and exclusive agreement between Licensor and Licensee regarding this Software. This License Agreement replaces and supersedes all prior negotiations, dealings, and agreements between Licensor and Licensee regarding this Software. 10. This License Agreement is governed by the law of The Cayman Islands applicable to contracts. 11. This License Agreement is valid without Licensor's signature. It becomes effective upon Licensee's use of the Software.